September 15, 2024


Hey, I am Dagmawi Esayas, some people online know me as Dagmawi Babi. I am now 24 years old. Right around middle and first half of highschool I was living in Bahir Dar and then continued life from highschool back in Addis Ababa. I graduated from Addis Ababa Science and Technology University in Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering and this is my testimony on how I encountered God and decided to follow Him.

The Past

I was raised in a Christian household but my parents weren’t really devout. We never had Bible studies, attended church often or any of that tradition. Up until 7th grade I haven’t really thought about God much, there was no reason to and there was no influence that made me think about Him. Some Sundays dad would take us to church and we’d pray and attend the sermons but I have no recollection of any of the teachings there.

I knew of God in some little sense but nothing more. So right around 6th and 7th grade I had some Protestant Christian friends. Their families were devout Christians and church goers. So they knew of God so much more than I ever did. One day I was at church and I hear one pastor speaking in tongues and it was so beautiful to me. So I went to my friends and asked them about it. They told me that it’s the language of the Holy Spirit and more. Which made me want it even more, so for a year almost all I prayed about was to speak in tongues… but it didn’t happen until the summer of 7th grade where I came to Addis Ababa and one day my grandma sent me out to get something from a shop and on my path there I heard a church and decided to enter and attend out of the blue.

Almost as soon as I entered the pastor called out people to be filled with the Holy Spirit and of course I took him on his offer instantly and went to the front. He prayed and laid his hands on my head and that moment I experienced the Spirit of God and I was filled with it and even could speak in tongues. This was one of my most happiest days ever. Over the next few years my friends back in Bahir Dar were all spiritual and set aflame so there were prophecies, prayer sessions, casting out demons and all of that. And even I would partake in that.

Then right around 10th grade I would be very close to other non-Christian friends. Our conversation was anything but God, we would be physically close and intimate and this was me and multiple girls. It was the typical sexual encounters you’d see in a typical highschool. So starting from 10th grade my spiritual life was non-existent. My old Christian friends would warn me to get back to God but I was completely blinded to what they’d say cause I thought they could never understand and didn’t value their advices as from God. So as expected the most darkest years of my life started from then.

Darkest Years of My Life

So when I got back to Addis Ababa I was somewhat modest and tried to do right by God, having a girlfriend helped cause it forced me to stay loyal and for me a relationship was something holy so it in some ways forced me to think about God. Of course all that changed when I cheated and even more when I entered university. I had the blessing to enter AASTU and even enter my field of choice, which was and still is a big deal cause you had to pass through so many filters and exams and grading and so forth. But despite all, God helped a lot and got to it.

So in campus specially after I entered software engineering I had no need for God anymore. I got everything I wanted so I simply abandoned all prayer and commitment to Him. On top of that I had an on going conflict with Him. I would struggle with porn despite wanting to get close to Him so I had one last prayer one day that if He won’t help me get close to Him I will abandon Him… and that’s what I did. (Writing this years ahead breaks my heart)

In campus I would spend 90% of my time outside my dorm. During the day I’d attend lectures, events, clubs and related things but during the night I would spend my time in space (Space is what we called the normal classrooms after sunset) with one of the girl friends I had. We would lock the space and just spend half or the entire night just doing sexual things. I did this every single night, sometimes I wouldn’t even go home and do this throughout the weekend too. I abused my self so much. I didn’t sleep well, I didn’t eat well all I did was waste my energy on all things lustful.

So my campus years were some of the most horrific, sin drenched, painful, chaotic, unforgiving, and damaging in every single aspect of my life. Porn consumption was at an all time high and I would spend essentially every single night with a different girl just being absolutely lustful in campus. If I see any cute girl then it wouldn’t take me long to make out with her and do so much more sexual things. I did this with almost all of the “pretty”, popular and “hottest” girls in campus (made the words in quotes because looking back at most of the women there’s nothing I find pretty or hot now) that at one point I would feel ashamed whenever I had to stand up in front of class to present something. I was a really good class and department representative for all of the years in campus too which made me even more popular and drew more attention to me from the girls and on the bad side made avoiding the girls I did things with very hard.

To me I saw these sexual activities as fun, a boost of ego, an affirmation of my abilities, a coping mechanism and most importantly a way of punishing my self. The thrill of doing sexual things with all of these “beautiful” women was exciting and making out with them was an exhilarating experience so that was my kind of fun. In other days when I feel incapable of things, start feeling insecure or feel like I need to prove my self worth I would make it a challenge on my self to prove to me or my friends that I could get any girl I wanted. So even if I wasn’t attracted to the girl only because of her popularity or reputation I would try to do things with her and almost all the time I would succeed. In a deeper way, all of these sexual activities were coping mechanisms for me. I hated feeling sad, depressed, anxious, heart broken, angry, lost, self conscious, being a failure and more negative things that whenever I was feeling these things my first go-to is making out or spending an intimate time with one of the girls in campus or online. Lastly, I recognized that these activities were harmful to me. The guilt and regret, the feeling of being filthy inside and out, the shame and cheatings all so painful to go through that whenever I did something bad I would try to punish my self by doing something sexual and then go through all these horrible affects. So for-example if I had one sexual encounter I would feel so guilty about it that I punish myself with another sexual encounter and then keep the cycle going until I had no energy or mental power in me to feel anything or even be conscious enough to be awake.

On some days I would also self harm but I used self harming to stop me from crying instead of punishing my self. Sometimes I would even go outside my standards and make out with a person I don’t find cute or attractive or even clean just so I can tell my self that that’s what I deserved for all the sins I’ve ever done. So 4 out of 5 years of university was spent this way, the 3rd year being the most toxic, most poisonous, most harmful year because I had multiple friends with benefits kind of relationships. Some of them were emotionally attached and some were just out right toxic and more. This was also the most difficult year academically, so attending my studies and work by day and spending the night in lust took a toll on me significantly.

The Spirit Of Lust

One night as I was in space with one girl just casually making out and all, I encountered the most strangest thing in my life. Me and the girl I was with that night locked the room and were making out and at one moment I decided to open my eyes and in that moment in the middle of the classroom I saw a women clothed in white, with dirt and blood all over her cloth, with a messy hair and with bruised and scarred skin sitting in one of the chairs and grinning at me. She was almost satisfied with what I was doing with the girl beside me. It felt like worship.

So I was shocked cause I remembered locking the door and even all the windows so there was no way for her to enter. I stopped what I was doing and double checked if what I was seeing was real or not. I even asked the girl with me if she saw the same thing, but she didn’t. So I thought I was just being delusional or my mind was playing tricks on me so I went back to making out. Ever since that night I would see that spirit follow me, in my room, with other people and so much more.

After a certain time I had even learnt to hear that spirit and even understand what she wanted just by looking at her. This was right around 3rd year. So normally I would get this push from this spirit to do something with a certain girl and getting with that girl would be the easiest thing ever. Girls from church, girls considered conservative, girls who won’t let any dude near were just the easiest to me as long as that spirit pushed and made me attracted to them. So for a while I would just do these sexual things for no reason. Not for fun, not to cope, not for ego, not for punishment but just because. At some moments it felt like I had a purpose in my life, I thought I was doing something bigger than my self, like I was this character in a bigger masterplan. I knew it was an evil plan, an evil purpose but I was the center of it, the main character and it was meaningful in some ways.

Some nights I would refuse the spirit. I would try resisting to not watch porn, or not do anything with anyone and instantly the atmosphere around me would shift. I would feel this dark pressure almost feels like I was about to be killed and I would even spend most nights up despite being exhausted. Even if I fall asleep my dreams would be absolutely terrifying. So soon after I resist I would give up and do the things I didn’t want to. I remember this one night I was exhausted after making out with one girl that I slept in space, moment after that spirit came almost physically nudged me and woke me up and told me to keep going… and I did. It was worship to the spirit.


When encountering the lust spirit was my ordinary life, I gave up. I didn’t have a sense of identity at that point. Dagmawi was only the outer shell that housed this spirit’s commands. I was essentially gone, absent, mindless, just an animated person, a slave to the spirit. Sometimes I could even hear my soul scream from deep within, trapped and wanting to be saved. But I would hush my soul and proceed to obey the lust spirit. During this time I was just expecting the day I die cause being saved or anyone knowing or understanding was just not a possibility. My soul’s torment was hidden, unseen and so I expected no one to save me… But God saw!

God saw my soul and heard it’s cries and screams of sorrow. It amazes me to this day honestly how God could see my struggles and my imprisonment. Cause all the chaos I’ve caused all along was hidden from people. It was at night, me and the girls kept our secrets, and to top it off I was an A+ student in academics and all extracurricular activities, I even had work and more. And I was always smiling and had a hype positive energy to everyone. So no one could ever guess what I was going through. Man sees the face but God sees the heart.

So in the middle of all this chaos right around the end of 4th year, God sends this one girl, her name was Yohanna. She was a really energetic (almost annoyingly) and incredibly spiritual girl. I’ve met her before but I disliked her, she felt judgmental and I thought she was just your typical hypocrite Christian cause she dressed very inappropriate in some ways; at-least to my lustful eyes.

So she texted me and asked if we could meet up and talk. Now, other people, Muslims and even non-believers have done the same and advised me about God and stuff, I would momentarily agree but I couldn’t bare any fruits from our talks. A part of me was looking forward to doing sexual things with her like I did with other Christians who came close. But this time during my conversations with Yohanna I stopped thinking about lust, every single conversation was freeing, it was like being in a bubble of freedom where that lust spirit and other evil spirits can’t reach me. So my soul really looked forward to it. With every conversation Yohanna would tell me about God almost from zero. I would leave our conversations thinking I don’t know this God, cause the God my friends and I knew back in middle and highschool was very harsh, only concerned with exorcisms and prophecy but nothing more. But the God Yohanna introduced me to was much more. He was a loving and forgiving person. I remember during our conversation my soul would break free and encounter Him. And this went on for a while.

God of Dreams

The 4th year was very odd right from the beginning. Because a week into the year a friend saw me die in her dreams and told me. For some reason it made me happy, but ignored it. This will then go on through out the year. People that knew me and people that don’t saw horrible dreams of me dying at the end of the year. And in all these dreams I was killed by a person with a good name. Names like Biruk, Birhan and more right around the end of the year. One girl was even crying so much when she was telling me about her dream. After countless people saw dreams of my death, both my parents and my little sister saw something similar almost at the end of the year. Deep down a part of me knew that this was for the good even though it didn’t look like it.

One random night I saw this dream and in it I was with some Christian friends gathering to go-to our fellowship. While we wait for more friends to come I saw this gorgeous and clean mirror standing beside Yohanna and right in-front of me. This mirror could talk and when I heard it speak I thought it was crazy so I told the others about it. But their response was “Oh, yeah, Ofcourse, He does that” and proceeded to talk about other things. I thought it was still crazy also everyone being okay with it was even more crazier so I just tried to be cool and ignore it. But the mirror won’t let me go easily and started talking to me. He said “Look at me” and I did. When I saw the mirror it had such a beautiful frame and the most cleanest, spot free surface. I was mesmerized and saw even closer to look for flaws but there were none. But in the midst, I noticed my reflection. I could truly see my self and my face and all the scars and light bruises on me. Then the mirror said “Come closer” and I did, I almost entered the mirror by how close I was. I was focused on my eyes for some reason and when I got closer I saw something melt from my eyes. I could see before but this time I could see even more. It’s like I’ve been blind internally but was just healed.

So I woke up terrified and checked my eyes but I was okay. But then I reevaluated every single friend and connection that was in my life. I could see every single bad decision I made, every single bad influence and bad people. So that day, I unfriended basically 99% of my friends. I would text or call and just break connections with girls, friends with benefits, dates and most close friends. Those that I didn’t have the courage to unfriend, would unfriend me or we’d go distant instantly. I saw how dark my life was and I hated it. I wanted everything to change and be filled with all good things.

Book of Hosea

And when the end of the year came I was busy with class, projects, work, extracurricular activities, and of-course lust. One night I was just sitting in my room and watching YouTube then out of the blue I just wanted to read the book of Hosea. So I pulled up an old Bible and read through the entire book. In that hour of reading I was taken away somewhere else. As I narrated the book I would see my life. I related so much with Gomer. I felt her ways, I understood her. But the book ended with Hosea redeeming her. And as I read through this God would pour out His love in to my heart. I felt absolutely loved and pursued. All hatred and anger I had on God was almost gone. I was in tears, I felt touched by God. I experienced God and I looked back in my life at all the key moments and saw that God was present even in the darkest of times.

That night I proceeded to do random things online but had the urge to pray. So right before I slept I knelt down and prayed the most generic “thank you God” prayer. And right before I finished I heard this voice that told me to open my eyes and look. And when I looked up I saw the same old lust spirit standing in-front of me but this time instead of me being scared of her she was petrified. She was looking at this light behind me and she was absolutely petrified and ran and got out of my home as fast as she could. And in that moment something dark would also leave my room and bed. For a bit of context, my room had three incredibly bright lamps but despite that whenever I entered my room it would feel so dark and just so mute. So when that dark thing left my room, I could finally see how bright my room was, I even tried taking one of the lamps off.

So during this encounter I could feel the light that the lust spirit saw but when I turned to look at it there was nothing. So I thought I was being delusional as always. So I just proceeded to complete my prayer and in that moment I heard God say “Tonight You’re Sleeping With Me” and in that moment I could feel this light overwhelm my room and even my bed. Expecting nothing I just brushed everything off and slept.

Who Has Seen God?

That night I slept so fast which was unlike me. So in my dreams I was taken to this absolutely surreal place. It was empty but yet so beautiful. It was infinitely wide. I saw this infinitely long tables and sitting lined up beside the tables were infinite white clothed angels. Seeing this I was just wowed by the physics of it. How can you guys make an infinitely long table and it’s clothing. Also looking around I was levitating, there was nothing beneath my feet but it felt like I was on solid ground. So that baffled me even more, I was asking a million questions. The one person sitting around the table that was closest told me to stop and focus on what was in-front of me.

Then slowly I looked straight in-front of me. Then I saw this all light, incredibly powerful, person figure holding my hand and standing in-front of me. I couldn’t see a face but I knew it was a person, I couldn’t resist His light it was absolutely cleansing so I was scared but felt complete. Then this Person, God, started speaking and everyone was absolutely quiet. He then said “You are mine, I have bought you with a price. You belong to me and I have chosen you.” Then He got the most beautiful golden + light + silver ring and put it on my finger. Then the infinite angels and people that were there went crazy with celebrations, it was the loudest thing ever. But I still didn’t know what it meant.

So I woke up that morning feeling like someone gave my body and soul the best bath every cleaning me of everything. I felt so brand new that I thought I had woken up in someone else’s body and had to check a mirror to see if it was really me. That night I had someone new live inside me. It was a powerful being, but the most loving.

After that dream. I felt like I was a new person. I belonged to God. I felt God inside me. I felt different. I became different. It's as if I was given a new soul and spirit. I became a new person. And I didn’t know what was going on because I recognize myself but I was completely new. Every single thing that made me suffer was gone. I was divorced from lust. I could see things clearly. I was joyful even if I cried. I was peaceful and slept so well. And that was the most serene experience I've EVER had! Above all, that ever growing void in my heart, that emptiness that filled out my existence was filled out. All void was gone and I was set free.

But even through all of this I hadn’t made up my mind to follow and purse God. After a few days of overthinking and balancing the pros and cons, understanding the consequences later I finally decided to go back to God. Finally had that face to face conversation with him. I was at dorm, some random evening, and I knelt and prayed and prayed and prayed and cried and repented and surrendered and I gave myself up to Him. And from that moment on, my life took a complete 360! Same dude, same guy, different soul, different person. If you placed me in a room with the old Dagmawi I wouldn't recognize him and couldn’t understand his ways. He was so lost and alone, I pity him. I would hug him, I would rush him to God.

Redeeming Love

Now my life has changed. I feel complete. I feel healed, powerful, unstoppable, loved, no insecurity or fear or stress held me back. I was truly free. I was set apart. I belonged to God! When all of this was happening only Yohanna knew, I wanted my change to be seen casually by others and soon enough everyone started noticing changes and my relationship with God.

I gained weight. My skin cleared up and healed from all the scars. My mind is at rest. I don’t have a broken heart anymore. I was afraid of the dark but now it’s meaningless to me. I find rest in Bible Studying. My favorite genre of music is gospel music. I listen to a-lot of sermons and theology classes. I’ve given ownership of my socials to God so I share and post things about Him and things that honor Him. My circle is filled with Christians that push me to God. And all I want everyday is to spend time with Him. ALL OF THIS IS UNLIKE MY PAST SELF.

Looking back over the years, God carried me through. He protected me and blessed me in a season when I wasn’t even speaking to Him. He carried my life when I was absent so that when He saves me I wouldn’t lose everything. He strengthened me to do things even in my life of sin and rebellion. One thing my story made me realize is God never abandons. He is always there working and planning to rescue, heal and save you. You might ask why wait 4 years, but knowing my self if any of this happened any moment earlier I wouldn’t accept it or even consider it. God saved me at the perfect moment.

Also isn’t it crazy that I was introduced to the lust spirit through a girl but God also has a daughter that introduced me back to Him? Looking back at all the damages done and all the damaged planed; What the devil intended for the bad God turned for the good. And what’s even deeper for me is that God loved the soul I didn’t love, He set free the soul I forced to imprison, He cared for the body I abused and harmed. I was taken care of.

I’ve been redeemed. God became my Hosea, Jesus saved me and the Holy Spirit my guide.

From God to You

I will end with some Bible verses…

ሆሴዕ 14

“እስራኤል ሆይ፤ በኀጢአትህ ምክንያት ስለ ወደቅህ፣ ወደ አምላክህ ወደ እግዚአብሔር ተመለስ። የምትሉትን ቃል ይዛችሁ፣ ወደ እግዚአብሔር ተመለሱ፤ እንዲህም በሉት፤ “ኀጢአታችንን ሁሉ ይቅር በለን፤ የከንፈራችንንም ፍሬ እንድናቀርብ፣ በምሕረትህ ተቀበለን። አሦር ሊያድነን አይችልም፤ በጦር ፈረሶችም ላይ አንቀመጥም፤ ከእንግዲህም የገዛ እጆቻችን የሠሯቸውን፣ ‘አምላኮቻችን’ አንላቸውም፤ ድኻ ዐደጉ ከአንተ ርኅራኄ ያገኛልና።

እኔ ከዳተኛነታቸውን እፈውሳለሁ፤ እንዲሁ እወድዳቸዋለሁ፤ ቍጣዬ ከእነርሱ ተመልሷልና። እኔ ለእስራኤል እንደ ጠል እሆናለሁ፤ እንደ ውብ አበባ ያብባል፤ እንደ ሊባኖስ ዝግባም፣ ሥር ይሰድዳል፤ ቅርንጫፉ ያድጋል፤ ውበቱ እንደ ወይራ ዛፍ፣ ሽታውም እንደ ሊባኖስ ዝግባ ይሆናል። ሰዎች እንደ ገና ከጥላው በታች ያርፋሉ፤ እርሱም እንደ እህል ይለመልማል፤ እንደ ወይን ተክል ያብባል፤ ዝናውም እንደ ሊባኖስ የወይን ጠጅ ይወጣል።

ኤፍሬም ሆይ፤ ከእንግዲህ ከጣዖት ጋር ምን ጕዳይ አለኝ? የምሰማህና የምጠነቀቅልህ እኔ ነኝ፤ እኔ እንደ ለመለመ የጥድ ዛፍ ነኝ፤ ፍሬያማነትህም ከእኔ የተነሣ ነው።

ጥበበኛ የሆነ እነዚህን ነገሮች ያስተውላል፤ አስተዋይም እነዚህን ነገሮች ይረዳል። የእግዚአብሔር መንገድ ቅን ነውና፤ ጻድቃን ይሄዱበታል፤ ዐመፀኞች ግን ይሰናከሉበታል።”

ሕዝቅኤል 16

“በተወለድሽበት ቀን ዕትብትሽ አልተቈረጠም፤ ንጹሕ እንድትሆኚ በውሃ አልታጠብሽም፤ በጨው አልታሸሽም፤ በጨርቅም አልተጠቀለልሽም። በርኅራኄ ዐይን ተመልክቶሽ ወይም ዐዝኖልሽ ከእነዚህ አንዱን እንኳ ያደረገልሽ ሰው አልነበረም፤ ይልቁንም በተወለድሽበት ቀን ተንቀሽ ስለ ነበር ሜዳ ላይ ተጣልሽ።

እኔም በዚያ ሳልፍ፣ በደምሽ ውስጥ ወዲያ ወዲህ ስትንፈራገጪ አየሁሽ፤ በደምሽም ውስጥ ተኝተሽ ሳለሽ፣ “በሕይወት ኑሪ!” አልሁሽ። ሜዳ ላይ እንዳለ ቡቃያ አሳደግሁሽ፤ አንቺም አደግሽ፤ ብርቅ ዕንቍ ሆንሽ። ጡቶችሽ አጐጠጐጡ፤ ጠጕርሽም አደገ፤ ነገር ግን ከእናትሽ ማሕፀን እንደ ወጣሽ ዕርቃንሽን ነበርሽ።

ዳግመኛም በአጠገብሽ በማልፍበት ጊዜ ወደ አንቺ ተመለከትሁ፤ ለመፈቀርም እንደ ደረስሽ ባየሁ ጊዜ፣ የመጐናጸፊያዬን ዘርፍ በላይሽ ዘርግቼ ዕርቃንሽን ሸፈንሁ። ማልሁልሽ፤ ከአንቺም ጋር ቃል ኪዳን ተጋባሁ፤ ይላል ጌታ እግዚአብሔር፤ አንቺም የእኔ ሆንሽ።

በውሃ ዐጥቤ ከደም አጠራሁሽ፤ ዘይትም ቀባሁሽ። ወርቀ ዘቦ አለበስሁሽ፤ ምርጥ ቈዳ ጫማም አደረግሁልሽ፤ ያማረ በፍታ አለበስሁሽ ውድ መደረቢያም አጐናጸፍሁሽ። በጌጣጌጥ አንቈጠቈጥሁሽ፤ በእጅሽ አንባር፣ በዐንገትሽም ድሪ አጠለቅሁልሽ፤ በአፍንጫሽ ቀለበት፣ በጆሮሽ ጕትቻ፣ በራስሽም ላይ ውብ አክሊል አደረግሁልሽ፤ በወርቅና በብር አጌጥሽ፤ ልብስሽም ያማረ በፍታ፣ ሐርና ወርቀ ዘቦ ነበር፤ ምግብሽም የላመ ዱቄት፣ ማርና የወይራ ዘይት ነበር። እጅግ ውብ ሆንሽ፤ ንግሥት ለመሆንም በቃሽ። እኔ ከሰጠሁሽ ሞገስ የተነሣ ውበትሽ ፍጹም በመሆኑ ዝናሽ በአሕዛብ መካከል ገነነ፤ ይላል ጌታ እግዚአብሔር።

ነገር ግን በውበትሽ ተመካሽ፤ ዝናሽንም ለአመንዝራነት ተጠቀምሽበት፤ ከዐላፊ አግዳሚው ጋር ያለ ገደብ አመነዘርሽ፣ ውበትሽም ለማንም ሆነ። ከልብስሽ አንዳንዱን ወስደሽ የምታመነዝሪበትን መስገጃ ስፍራ አስጌጥሽበት፤ እንዲህ ዐይነት ነገር ከዚህ ቀደም አልታየም፤ ወደ ፊትም አይኖርም። ከሰጠሁሽ ወርቄና ብሬ የተሠራውን ምርጥ ጌጣጌጥ ወስደሽ የወንድ ምስሎች ለራስሽ አበጀሽ፤ ከእነርሱም ጋር ዝሙት ፈጸምሽ። 18ወርቀ ዘቦ ልብስሽን ወስደሽ ደረብሽላቸው፤ ዘይቴንና ዕጣኔንም በፊታቸው አቀረብሽ። እንድትበዪ የሰጠሁሽን ምግብ ይኸውም ምርጡን ዱቄት፣ ማሩንና የወይራ ዘይቱን መልካም መዐዛ ያለው ዕጣን አድርገሽ አቀረብሽላቸው፤ እንዲህ ያለ ነገር ተፈጽሟል፤ ይላል ጌታ እግዚአብሔር። ለእኔ የወለድሻቸውን ወንዶችና ሴቶች ልጆችሽን እንዲበሏቸው ለምስሎቹ ሠዋሽላቸው፤ አመንዝራነትሽ አንሶ ነውን? 21ልጆቼን ዐርደሽ ለጣዖት መሥዋዕት አድርገሽ አቀረብሻቸው። 22በእነዚህ አስጸያፊ ተግባሮችሽና አመንዝራነትሽ ሁሉ፣ ከእናትሽ ማሕፀን እንደ ወጣሽ ዕርቃንሽን ሆነሽ በደምሽ ውስጥ ስትንፈራገጪ የነበርሽበት የሕፃንነትሽ ወራት ትዝም አላለሽ…

ነገር ግን በልጅነትሽ ጊዜ ከአንቺ ጋር የገባሁትን ቃል ኪዳን ዐስባለሁ፤ ለዘላለምም የሚኖር ቃል ኪዳን ከአንቺ ጋር እመሠርታለሁ። ከአንቺ ታላላቅ የሆኑትንና ታናናሽ የሆኑትን እኅቶችሽን ስትቀበዪ፣ አካሄድሽን ታስቢአለሽ፤ ታፍሪአለሽም። ሴት ልጆች እንዲሆኑሽም እነርሱን ለአንቺ እሰጣለሁ፤ ከአንቺ ጋር በገባሁት ቃል ኪዳን መሠረት ግን አይደለም። ስለዚህ ከአንቺ ጋር ቃል ኪዳኔን ዐድሳለሁ፤ በዚያ ጊዜ እኔ እግዚአብሔር እንደ ሆንሁ ታውቂአለሽ። ያደረግሽውን ሁሉ ይቅር ባልሁሽ ጊዜ፣ በደልሽ ትዝ ሲልሽ ታፍሪያለሽ፤ ከውርደትሽም የተነሣ አፍሽን ከቶ አትከፍቺም፤ ይላል ጌታ እግዚአብሔር።”

Hope this blesses you and you encounter God in more ways everyday!

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