July 1, 2023


What is Sin?


แผ‰ฮผฮฑฯฯ„ฮทฮผฮฑ - Khata - Hebrew

ื—ื˜ื - Hamartia - Greek

In both languages they meant โ€œTo miss the markโ€ as in to fail at hitting a target or goal.


Spiritually, Sin is also missing the mark or goal. The mark is set by God (The laws he gave us) and us missing that mark or goal he set out (breaking the law, rebelling against God) is called sinning.

1 John 3:4

๐Ÿ’ก แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ต แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆญแŒ แˆแˆ‰ แ‹แˆ˜แ…แŠ• แ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆญแŒ‹แˆแค แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ตแˆ แ‹แˆ˜แ… แŠแ‹แข

๐Ÿ’ก Whosoever commits sin transgresses also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

๐Ÿ’ก Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness.

Sinning is also purposefully not doing what is right

James 4:17

๐Ÿ’ก แŠฅแŠ•แŒแ‹ฒแˆ… แˆ˜แˆแŠซแˆ แ‹จแˆ†แŠแ‹แŠ• แŠแŒˆแˆญ แˆ›แ‹ตแˆจแŒ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ณแˆˆแ‰ แ‰ต แŠฅแ‹ซแ‹ˆแ‰€ แ‹จแˆ›แ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆญแŒ แˆฐแ‹ แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ต แ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆญแŒ‹แˆแข

๐Ÿ’ก If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesnโ€™t do it, it is sin for them.

Origin of Sin

First there was Satan, Satan being very glorious in heaven was prideful and felt like he should be like God and rebelled against God. And that was his throne fall.

Isiah 14:12-15

๐Ÿ’ก แŠ แŠ•แ‰ฐ แ‹จแŠ•แŒ‹แ‰ต แˆแŒ…แฃ แŠ แŒฅแ‰ขแ‹ซ แŠฎแŠจแ‰ฅ แˆ†แ‹ญแค แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ดแ‰ต แŠจแˆฐแˆ›แ‹ญ แ‹ˆแ‹ฐแ‰…แˆ…! แŠ แŠ•แ‰ฐ แ‰€แ‹ตแˆž แˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆฅแ‰ณแ‰ตแŠ• แ‹ซแ‹‹แˆจแ‹ตแˆ…แฃ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ดแ‰ต แ‹ˆแ‹ฐ แˆแ‹ตแˆญ แ‰ฐแŒฃแˆแˆ…! แ‰ แˆแ‰ฅแˆ…แˆ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแˆ… แŠ แˆแˆ…แค โ€œแ‹ˆแ‹ฐ แˆฐแˆ›แ‹ญ แ‹แˆญแŒ‹แˆˆแˆแค แ‹™แ‹แŠ”แŠ•แˆ แŠจแŠฅแŒแ‹šแŠ แ‰ฅแˆ”แˆญ แŠจแ‹‹แŠญแ‰ฅแ‰ต แ‰ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แŠจแ แŠ แ‹ฐแˆญแŒ‹แˆˆแˆแค แ‰ แ‰ฐแˆซแˆซแ‹ แˆ˜แˆฐแ‰ฅแˆฐแ‰ขแ‹ซแฃ แ‰ แ‰ฐแ‰€แ‹ฐแˆฐแ‹แˆ แ‰ฐแˆซแˆซ แŠจแแ‰ณ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‰ แ‹™แ‹แŠ” แŠฅแ‰€แˆ˜แŒฃแˆˆแˆแค แŠจแ‹ฐแˆ˜แŠ“แ‹Žแ‰ฝแˆ แŠจแแ‰ณ แ‰ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‹แˆญแŒ‹แˆˆแˆแค แˆซแˆดแŠ•แˆ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐ แˆแ‹‘แˆ แŠ แ‹ฐแˆญแŒ‹แˆˆแˆแขโ€ แŠแŒˆแˆญ แŒแŠ• แ‹ˆแ‹ฐ แˆฒแŠฆแˆแฃ แ‹ˆแ‹ฐ แŒฅแˆแ‰แˆ แŒ•แ‹ตแŒ“แ‹ต แ‹ˆแˆญแ‹ฐแˆƒแˆแข

๐Ÿ’ก How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, โ€œI will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.โ€ But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit.

And Jesus saw his fall from Heaven

Luke 10:18

๐Ÿ’ก แˆฐแ‹ญแŒฃแŠ• แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐ แˆ˜แ‰ฅแˆจแ‰… แŠจแˆฐแˆ›แ‹ญ แˆฒแ‹ˆแ‹ตแ‰… แŠ แ‹จแˆแข

๐Ÿ’ก I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.

Types of Sin

Inherited Sin

Just like how Satan wanted to be like God it is with this same temptation he tempts Adam and Eve, to be like God. And then they rebelled against God and his commandmentsโ€ฆ They sinned (Original Sin). And it is through that act that everyone that is a human spiritually inherits sin. Meaning everyone of us are born spiritually sinful, with the inherit spiritual need to rebel against God and to be lawless.

Romans 5:12

๐Ÿ’ก แˆตแˆˆแ‹šแˆ… แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ต แ‰ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ต แˆฐแ‹ แ‰ แŠฉแˆ แ‹ˆแ‹ฐ แ‹“แˆˆแˆ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐ แŒˆแ‰ฃ แˆแˆ‰แฃ แˆžแ‰ตแˆ แ‰ แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ต แ‰ แŠฉแˆ แŒˆแ‰ฅแ‰ทแˆแค แ‰ แ‹šแˆ แˆ˜แŠ•แŒˆแ‹ต แˆžแ‰ต แ‹ˆแ‹ฐ แˆฐแ‹Žแ‰ฝ แˆแˆ‰ แˆ˜แŒฃแค แˆแŠญแŠ•แ‹ซแ‰ฑแˆ แˆแˆ‰แˆ แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ตแŠ• แˆ แˆญแ‰ฐแ‹‹แˆแค

๐Ÿ’ก Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned

Psalms 51:5

๐Ÿ’ก แˆตแ‹ˆแˆˆแ‹ต แŒ€แˆแˆฎ แ‰ แ‹ฐแˆˆแŠ›แฃ แŒˆแŠ“ แŠฅแŠ“แ‰ดแˆ แˆตแ‰ตแ€แŠ•แˆฐแŠ แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ฐแŠ› แŠแŠแข

๐Ÿ’ก Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me.

Paul talks about this like this:

Romans 7:14-20

๐Ÿ’ก แˆ•แŒ‰ แˆ˜แŠ•แˆแˆณแ‹Š แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐ แˆ†แŠ แŠฅแŠ“แ‹แ‰ƒแˆˆแŠ•แค แŠฅแŠ” แŒแŠ• แˆˆแŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ต แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐ แ‰ฃแˆชแ‹ซ แ‹จแ‰ฐแˆธแŒฅแˆ แˆฅแŒ‹แ‹Š แŠแŠแข แ‹จแˆ›แ‹ฐแˆญแŒˆแ‹แŠ• แŠ แˆ‹แ‹แ‰…แˆแค แˆˆแˆ›แ‹ตแˆจแŒ แ‹จแˆแˆแˆแŒˆแ‹แŠ• แŠ แˆ‹แ‹ฐแˆญแŒแˆแค แŠแŒˆแˆญ แŒแŠ• แ‹จแˆแŒ แˆ‹แ‹แŠ• แ‹ซแŠ• แŠ แ‹ฐแˆญแŒ‹แˆˆแˆแŠ“แข แˆ›แ‹ตแˆจแŒ แ‹จแˆ›แˆแˆแˆแŒˆแ‹แŠ• แ‹จแˆ›แ‹ฐแˆญแŒ แŠจแˆ†แŠแฃ แˆ•แŒ‰ แ‰ แŒŽ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐ แˆ†แŠ แŠฅแˆ˜แˆฐแŠญแˆซแˆˆแˆแค แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแˆ… แŠจแˆ†แŠแฃ แ‹ญแˆ…แŠ• แ‹จแˆ›แ‹ฐแˆญแŒˆแ‹ แŠฅแŠ” แˆซแˆด แˆณแˆแˆ†แŠ•แฃ แ‰ แŠฅแŠ” แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แ‹จแˆšแŠ–แˆจแ‹ แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ต แŠแ‹แข แ‰ แŠฅแŠ”แฃ แˆ›แˆˆแ‰ตแˆ แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ฐแŠ› แ‰ แˆ†แŠแ‹ แ‰ฐแˆแŒฅแˆฎแ‹ฌ แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แˆแŠ•แˆ แ‰ แŒŽ แŠแŒˆแˆญ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแˆ›แ‹ญแŠ–แˆญ แ‹แ‹แ‰ƒแˆˆแˆแค แ‰ แŒŽ แ‹จแˆ†แŠแ‹แŠ• แ‹จแˆ›แ‹ตแˆจแŒ แˆแŠžแ‰ต แŠ แˆˆแŠแค แŠแŒˆแˆญ แŒแŠ• แˆแˆแŒฝแˆ˜แ‹ แŠ แˆแ‰ฝแˆแˆแข แ‹จแˆ›แ‹ฐแˆญแŒˆแ‹ แˆ‹แ‹ฐแˆญแŒˆแ‹ แ‹จแˆแˆแˆแŒˆแ‹แŠ• แ‰ แŒŽ แŠแŒˆแˆญ แŠ แ‹ญแ‹ฐแˆˆแˆแค แ‹ณแˆฉ แŒแŠ• แˆˆแˆ›แ‹ตแˆจแŒ แ‹จแˆ›แˆแˆแˆแŒˆแ‹แŠ• แŠญแ‰ แŠแŒˆแˆญ แŠแ‹แข แˆ‹แ‹ฐแˆญแŒˆแ‹ แ‹จแˆ›แˆแˆแˆแŒˆแ‹แŠ• แŠแŒˆแˆญ แ‹จแˆ›แ‹ฐแˆญแŒˆแ‹ แŠจแˆ†แŠแฃ แ‹ซแŠ• แ‹จแˆ›แ‹ฐแˆญแŒˆแ‹ แŠฅแŠ” แˆซแˆด แˆณแˆแˆ†แŠ•แฃ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆญแŒˆแ‹ แ‰ แŠฅแŠ” แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แ‹จแˆšแŠ–แˆจแ‹ แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ต แŠแ‹แข

๐Ÿ’ก So the trouble is not with the law, for it is spiritual and good. The trouble is with me, for I am all too human, a slave to sin. I donโ€™t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I donโ€™t do it. Instead, I do what I hate. But if I know that what I am doing is wrong, this shows that I agree that the law is good. So I am not the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it.

Imputed Sin

The Greek word translated โ€œimputeโ€ means โ€œto take something that belongs to someone and credit it to someone elseโ€™s account. What Adam did, so did everyone else. It is Adamโ€™s guilt attributed to or credited to us. And so what Adam is punished, so will everyone else. In short, It does not mean we are personally guilty of Adamโ€™s sin, only that his sin was credited to our account, and thus every person participates in the guilt and penalty of that original transgression. So in a way Adam and Us are the same, and so would be punished the same.

So sin is breaking the law, but there was a time where there was no law. From Adam to Moses. So if there was no law to break, there wouldnโ€™t be sin. But since everyone after Adam has inherited sin, everyone is sinful despite having no laws to break, and also were punished the same. But after Moses, humans were subject to death both because of inherited sin from Adam and imputed sin from violating the laws of God.

Romans 5:13-14

๐Ÿ’ก แˆ•แŒ แŠจแˆ˜แˆฐแŒ แ‰ฑ แ‰ แŠแ‰ต แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ต แ‰ แ‹“แˆˆแˆ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แŠแ‰ แˆญแค แŠแŒˆแˆญ แŒแŠ• แˆ•แŒ แ‰ แˆŒแˆˆแ‰ แ‰ต แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ต แŠ แ‹ญแ‰ˆแŒ แˆญแˆแข แ‹ญแˆแŠ• แŠฅแŠ•แŒ‚ แŠจแŠ แ‹ณแˆ แŒ€แˆแˆฎ แŠฅแˆตแŠจ แˆ™แˆด แ‹ตแˆจแˆต แ‰ฃแˆ‰แ‰ตแฃ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐ แŠ แ‹ณแˆ แˆ•แŒแŠ• แ‰ แˆ˜แŒฃแˆต แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ต แ‰ฃแˆแˆ แˆฉแ‰ต แˆ‹แ‹ญ แŠฅแŠ•แŠณ แˆžแ‰ต แŠแŒˆแˆ แค

๐Ÿ’ก For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression,

Personal Sin

Which is committed every day by every human being. Because we have inherited sin, we commit individual, personal sins, everything from seemingly innocent sins to murder.

These sins are these two types

  • Sins of Commission: actively doing something wrong
  • Sins of Omission: sins of neglect, failing to do what is right due to passiveness

Romans 3:23

๐Ÿ’ก แˆแŠญแŠ•แ‹ซแ‰ฑแˆ แˆแˆ‰แˆ แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ตแŠ• แˆ แˆญแ‰ฐแ‹‹แˆแค แ‹จแŠฅแŒแ‹šแŠ แ‰ฅแˆ”แˆญแˆ แŠญแ‰ฅแˆญ แŒแ‹ตแˆแ‰ธแ‹‹แˆแค

๐Ÿ’ก For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

The 7 Deadly sins

Proverbs 6:16-19

๐Ÿ’ก แŠฅแŒแ‹šแŠ แ‰ฅแˆ”แˆญ แ‹จแˆšแŒ แˆ‹แ‰ธแ‹ แˆตแ‹ตแˆตแ‰ต แŠแŒˆแˆฎแ‰ฝ แŠ แˆ‰แค แ‹จแˆšแŒธแ‹จแ‹แ‰ธแ‹แˆ แˆฐแ‰ฃแ‰ต แŠ“แ‰ธแ‹แค แŠฅแŠแˆญแˆฑแˆแฆ แ‰ตแ‹•แ‰ขแ‰ฐแŠ› แ‹แ‹ญแŠ•แฃ แˆแˆฐแ‰ฐแŠ› แˆแˆ‹แˆตแฃ แŠ•แŒนแˆ• แ‹ฐแˆ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแˆแˆตแˆฑ แŠฅแŒ†แ‰ฝแฃ แŠญแ‹แ‰ตแŠ• แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแ‹แŒ แŠแŒฅแŠ• แˆแ‰ฅแฃ แ‹ˆแ‹ฐ แŠญแ‹แ‰ต แ‹จแˆšแ‰ปแŠฐแˆ‰ แŠฅแŒแˆฎแ‰ฝแฃ แ‰ แ‹แˆธแ‰ต แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‹แˆธแ‰ต แ‹จแˆšแŒจแˆแˆญ แˆแˆฐแ‰ฐแŠ› แˆแˆตแŠญแˆญแฃ แ‰ แ‹ˆแŠ•แ‹ตแˆ›แˆ›แ‰พแ‰ฝ แˆ˜แŠซแŠจแˆ แŒ แ‰ฅแŠ• แ‹จแˆšแŒญแˆญ แˆฐแ‹แข

๐Ÿ’ก There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

Consequences of Sin

Consequences of Sin would mean the consequences of missing the target, mark or goal set by God. What happens when you break the law, and rebel against God? When you are lawless?

  • Sin separates man from God, both physically and spiritually

Isiah 59:2

๐Ÿ’ก แŠแŒˆแˆญ แŒแŠ• แ‰ แ‹ฐแˆ‹แ‰ฝแˆ แŠจแŠ แˆแˆ‹แŠซแ‰ฝแˆ แˆˆแ‹ญแ‰ทแ‰ฝแŠ‹แˆแค แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ณแ‰ฝแˆ แŠแ‰ฑแŠ• แŠจแŠฅแŠ“แŠ•แ‰ฐ แˆฐแ‹แˆฎแ‰ณแˆแค แ‰ แ‹šแˆ…แˆ แˆแŠญแŠ•แ‹ซแ‰ต แŠ แ‹ญแˆฐแˆ›แˆแข

๐Ÿ’ก But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.

  • Sin causes physical and spiritual death

Romans 6:23

๐Ÿ’ก แ‹จแŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ต แ‹ฐแˆ˜แ‹ˆแ‹ แˆžแ‰ต แŠแ‹แŠ“

๐Ÿ’ก For the wages of sin is death

  • Sin causes a great sense of regret, shame, guilt and sadness

Psalms 38:4

๐Ÿ’ก แ‰ แ‹ฐแˆŒ แ‹แŒฆแŠ›แˆแค แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐ แŠจแ‰ฃแ‹ต แˆธแŠญแˆแˆ แ‰ฐแŒญแŠ–แŠ›แˆแข

๐Ÿ’ก My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear.

  • Sin enslaves us. One sin leads to more sins.

John 8:34

๐Ÿ’ก แŠฅแ‹แŠแ‰ต แŠฅแˆ‹แ‰ฝแŠ‹แˆˆแˆแค แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ต แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆญแŒ แ‹จแŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ต แ‰ฃแˆชแ‹ซ แŠแ‹

๐Ÿ’ก Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.

  • Sin causes internal turmoil

Isiah 48:22

๐Ÿ’ก โ€œแˆˆแŠญแ‰แ‹Žแ‰ฝ แˆฐแˆ‹แˆ แ‹จแˆ‹แ‰ธแ‹แˆโ€ แ‹ญแˆ‹แˆ แŠฅแŒแ‹šแŠ แ‰ฅแˆ”แˆญแข

๐Ÿ’ก โ€œBut there is no peace for the wicked,โ€ says the Lord.

What sins are forgiven and which oneโ€™s arenโ€™t?

All sins can be forgiven and you can be purified but the Bible warns about the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit as an unforgivable sin. This sin is specifically described as attributing the works of the Holy Spirit to the devil.

Mark 3:28-29

๐Ÿ’ก แŠฅแ‹แŠแ‰ต แŠฅแˆ‹แ‰ฝแŠ‹แˆˆแˆแค แ‹จแˆฐแ‹ แˆแŒ†แ‰ฝ แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ตแŠ“ แ‹จแˆšแˆณแ‹ฐแ‰กแ‰ต แˆตแ‹ตแ‰ฅ แˆแˆ‰ แ‹ญแˆฐแˆจแ‹ญแˆ‹แ‰ธแ‹‹แˆแค แŠแŒˆแˆญ แŒแŠ• แ‰ แˆ˜แŠ•แˆแˆต แ‰…แ‹ฑแˆต แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‹จแˆตแ‹ตแ‰ฅ แ‰ƒแˆ แ‹จแˆšแŠ“แŒˆแˆญ แˆแˆ‰ แ‹จแ‹˜แˆ‹แˆˆแˆ แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ต แ‹•แ‹ณ แ‹ญแˆ†แŠ•แ‰ แ‰ณแˆ แŠฅแŠ•แŒ‚ แˆˆแ‹˜แˆ‹แˆˆแˆ แŠ แ‹ญแˆฐแˆจแ‹ญแˆˆแ‰ตแˆแขโ€

๐Ÿ’ก Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.โ€

What does God feel about Sin?

God feels deep sorrow and righteous anger toward sin.

Genesis 6:5-6

๐Ÿ’ก แŠฅแŒแ‹šแŠ แ‰ฅแˆ”แˆญ แŠ แˆแˆ‹แŠญ แ‹จแˆฐแ‹ แ‹แˆ˜แ… แ‰ แˆแ‹ตแˆญ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‹จแ‰ แ‹›แŠ“ แ‹จแˆแ‰กแˆ แˆแˆณแ‰ฅ แ‹˜แ‹ˆแ‰ตแˆญ แ‹ˆแ‹ฐ แŠญแ‹แ‰ต แ‰ฅแ‰ป แ‹ซแ‹˜แŠแ‰ แˆˆ แˆ˜แˆ†แŠ‘แŠ• แ‰ฐแˆ˜แˆˆแŠจแ‰ฐแข แŠฅแŒแ‹šแŠ แ‰ฅแˆ”แˆญ แˆฐแ‹แŠ• แ‰ แˆแ‹ตแˆญ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‰ แˆ˜แแŒ แˆฉ แ‰ฐแŒธแŒธแ‰ฐแค แˆแ‰กแˆ แŠฅแŒ…แŒ แ‹แ‹˜แŠแข

๐Ÿ’ก The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled.

Romans 1:18

๐Ÿ’ก แ‰ แŠญแ‹แ‰ณแ‰ธแ‹ แŠฅแ‹แŠแ‰ตแŠ• แ‹แแŠแ‹ แ‰ แˆšแ‹ญแ‹™แฃ แ‰ แ‹แˆ˜แƒแ‰ธแ‹แŠ“ แ‰ แŠญแ‹แ‰ณแ‰ธแ‹ แˆแˆ‰ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‹จแŠฅแŒแ‹šแŠ แ‰ฅแˆ”แˆญ แ‰แŒฃ แŠจแˆฐแˆ›แ‹ญ แ‹ญแŒˆแˆˆแŒฃแˆ

๐Ÿ’ก The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness

Solution and Salvation

So God uses the principle of imputation to save us from our sins. Just like how Adamโ€™s sin and the punishment is attributed and credited to us, Our sins and punishments are attributed and credited to Jesus Christ and then finally Jesusโ€™s righteousness and holiness is then attributed and credited to us.

แ‰ฃแˆ‹แŒ แ‹แŠแ‹ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแ‰ฐแ‰€แŒฃแŠ• แˆแˆ‰ แ‰ฃแˆแˆฐแˆซแŠแ‹ แ€แ‹ตแ‰€แŠ“แˆ

When God imputed our sin to Jesus, God treated Jesus as if Jesus was a sinner, though Jesus was not, and had Jesus die for the sins of the entire world.

2 Corinthians 5:2 ****

โค๏ธ แŠฅแŠ› แ‰ แŠฅแˆญแˆฑ แˆ†แŠแŠ• แ‹จแŠฅแŒแ‹šแŠ แ‰ฅแˆ”แˆญ แŒฝแ‹ตแ‰… แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ตแŠ•แˆ†แŠ•แฃ แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ต แ‹จแˆŒแˆˆแ‰ แ‰ตแŠ• แŠฅแˆญแˆฑแŠ• แŠฅแŒแ‹šแŠ แ‰ฅแˆ”แˆญ แˆตแˆˆ แŠฅแŠ› แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ต แŠ แ‹ฐแˆจแŒˆแ‹แข

โค๏ธ God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

1 John 2:2

๐Ÿ’ก แŠฅแˆญแˆฑแˆ แ‹จแŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ณแ‰ฝแŠ• แˆ›แˆตแ‰ฐแˆตแˆจแ‹ซ แŠแ‹แค แ‹ญแŠธแ‹แˆ แˆˆแ‹“แˆˆแˆ แˆแˆ‰ แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ต แŠฅแŠ•แŒ‚ แˆˆแŠฅแŠ› แ‰ฅแ‰ป แŠ แ‹ญแ‹ฐแˆˆแˆแข

๐Ÿ’ก He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.

And we are forgiven because Jesus took all types of our sins and died on the cross

Ephesians 1:7

๐Ÿ’ก แ‰ แŠฅแˆญแˆฑแˆ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐ แŠฅแŒแ‹šแŠ แ‰ฅแˆ”แˆญ แŒธแŒ‹ แ‰ฃแˆˆแŒ แŒแŠแ‰ต แˆ˜แŒ แŠ•แฃ แ‰ แ‹ฐแˆ™ แ‰ แ‰ฐแ‹ฐแˆจแŒˆ แ‰คแ‹›แŠแ‰ตแฃ แ‹จแŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ตแŠ• แ‹ญแ‰…แˆญแ‰ณ แŠ แŒˆแŠ˜แŠ•

๐Ÿ’ก In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of Godโ€™s grace

And so Jesus set us free from all sins and no longer enslaved

John 8:36

๐Ÿ’ก แŠฅแŠ•แŒแ‹ฒแˆ… แ‹ˆแˆแ‹ต แŠแŒป แŠซแ‹ˆแŒฃแ‰ฝแˆแฃ แ‰ แŠฅแ‹แŠแ‰ต แŠแŒป แ‰ตแˆ†แŠ“แˆ‹แ‰ฝแˆแข

๐Ÿ’ก So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

Romans 6:6

๐Ÿ’ก แŠจแŠฅแŠ•แŒแ‹ฒแˆ… แ‹จแŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ต แ‰ฃแˆฎแ‰ฝ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ณแŠ•แˆ†แŠ•แฃ แ‹จแŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ต แˆฐแ‹แŠแ‰ต แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแˆปแˆญ แŠ แˆฎแŒŒแ‹ แˆฐแ‹‹แ‰ฝแŠ• แŠจแŠฅแˆญแˆฑ แŒ‹แˆญ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐ แ‰ฐแˆฐแ‰€แˆˆ แŠฅแŠ“แ‹แ‰ƒแˆˆแŠ•

๐Ÿ’ก For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin

And even tho we are freed from inherited and imputed sin we make personal sins and for those God prepared forgiveness and restoration through repentance and confession of sins.

1 John 1:9

๐Ÿ’ก แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ณแ‰ฝแŠ•แŠ• แ‰ฅแŠ•แŠ“แ‹˜แ‹ แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ณแ‰ฝแŠ•แŠ• แ‹ญแ‰…แˆญ แˆŠแˆˆแŠ•แฃ แŠจแ‹แˆ˜แƒ แˆแˆ‰ แˆŠแ‹ซแŠแŒปแŠ• แŠฅแˆญแˆฑ แ‰ณแˆ›แŠแŠ“ แŒปแ‹ตแ‰… แŠแ‹แข

๐Ÿ’ก If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

How to deal with Sin

Everyone is born a sinner, lives a sinner.

1 John 1:10

๐Ÿ’ก แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ต แŠ แˆแˆ แˆซแŠ•แˆ แ‰ฅแŠ•แˆแฃ แŠฅแˆญแˆฑแŠ• แˆแˆฐแ‰ฐแŠ› แŠฅแŠ“แ‹ฐแˆญแŒˆแ‹‹แˆˆแŠ•แค แ‰ƒแˆ‰แˆ แ‰ แŠฅแŠ› แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แ‹จแˆˆแˆแข

๐Ÿ’ก If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.

But all of our sins have been imputed onto Jesus so that heโ€™s the one who gets punished and not Us. And by that we are set free. This freedom is received when we believe in God.

John 3:16

๐Ÿ’ก แ‰ แŠฅแˆญแˆฑ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแˆแŠ• แˆแˆ‰ แ‹จแ‹˜แˆ‹แˆˆแˆ แˆ•แ‹ญแ‹ˆแ‰ต แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแŠ–แˆจแ‹ แŠฅแŠ•แŒ‚ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ณแ‹ญแŒ แ‹ แŠฅแŒแ‹šแŠ แ‰ฅแˆ”แˆญ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ตแ‹ซ แˆแŒแŠ• แŠฅแˆตแŠจ แˆ˜แˆตแŒ แ‰ต แ‹ตแˆจแˆต แ‹“แˆˆแˆแŠ• แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแˆ แ‹ˆแ‹ตแ‹ทแˆแŠ“แข

๐Ÿ’ก For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

And believers are no longer slaves to sin

Romans 6:18

๐Ÿ’ก แŠจแŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ต แŠแŒป แ‹ˆแŒฅแ‰ณแ‰ฝแˆแฃ แ‹จแŒฝแ‹ตแ‰… แ‰ฃแˆชแ‹ซแ‹Žแ‰ฝ แˆ†แŠ“แ‰ฝแŠ‹แˆแข

๐Ÿ’ก You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.

And the holy spirit helps us make the choice of not sinning personal sins

Romans 8:26

๐Ÿ’ก แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแˆแˆ แ‹ฐแŒแˆž แˆ˜แŠ•แˆแˆต แ‰ แ‹ตแŠซแˆ›แ‰ฝแŠ• แ‹ซแŒแ‹˜แŠ“แˆ

๐Ÿ’ก In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.

If you sin donโ€™t be consumed in sorrow, self hate and depression these will all lead to much worse cases, instead be sorrow spiritually

2 Corinthians 7:10

๐Ÿ’ก แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐ แŠฅแŒแ‹šแŠ แ‰ฅแˆ”แˆญ แˆแ‰ƒแ‹ต แ‹จแˆ†แŠ แˆแ‹˜แŠ• แ‹ˆแ‹ฐ แ‹ตแŠแ‰ต แˆˆแˆšแ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆญแˆต แŠ•แˆตแˆ“ แ‹ซแ‰ แ‰ƒแˆแค แŒธแŒธแ‰ตแˆ แ‹จแˆˆแ‰ แ‰ตแˆแข แ‹“แˆˆแˆ›แ‹Š แˆแ‹˜แŠ• แŒแŠ• แˆˆแˆžแ‰ต แ‹ซแ‰ แ‰ƒแˆแข

๐Ÿ’ก Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.

But if we do sin personal sins we shouldnโ€™t hide them but instead we should confess and he will forgive and restore us

Proverbs 28:13

๐Ÿ’ก แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ฑแŠ• แ‹จแˆšแˆฐแ‹แˆญ แŠ แ‹ญแˆˆแˆ›แˆแค แ‹จแˆšแŠ“แ‹˜แ‹แŠ“ แ‹จแˆšแ‰ฐแ‹ˆแ‹ แŒแŠ• แˆแˆ•แˆจแ‰ตแŠ• แ‹ซแŒˆแŠ›แˆแข

๐Ÿ’ก Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.

1 John 1:9

๐Ÿ’ก แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ณแ‰ฝแŠ•แŠ• แ‰ฅแŠ•แŠ“แ‹˜แ‹ แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ณแ‰ฝแŠ•แŠ• แ‹ญแ‰…แˆญ แˆŠแˆˆแŠ•แฃ แŠจแ‹แˆ˜แƒ แˆแˆ‰ แˆŠแ‹ซแŠแŒปแŠ• แŠฅแˆญแˆฑ แ‰ณแˆ›แŠแŠ“ แŒปแ‹ตแ‰… แŠแ‹แข

๐Ÿ’ก If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

2 Chronicles 7:14

๐Ÿ’ก แ‰ แˆตแˆœ แ‹จแ‰ฐแŒ แˆซแ‹ แˆ•แ‹แ‰ค แˆซแˆฑแŠ• แŠ แ‹‹แˆญแ‹ถ แ‰ขแŒธแˆแ‹ญแฃ แŠแ‰ดแŠ• แ‰ขแˆแˆแŒแŠ“ แŠจแŠญแ‰ แˆ˜แŠ•แŒˆแ‹ฑ แ‰ขแˆ˜แˆˆแˆตแฃ แŠจแˆฐแˆ›แ‹ญ แŠฅแˆฐแˆ›แ‹‹แˆˆแˆแค แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ฑแŠ• แ‹ญแ‰…แˆญ แŠฅแˆ‹แˆˆแˆแค แˆแ‹ตแˆฉแŠ•แˆ แŠฅแˆแ‹แˆณแˆˆแˆแข

๐Ÿ’ก if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

But after you repent turn to God, change your ways and bear fruits that show that youโ€™ve turned yours ways

Matthew 3:8

๐Ÿ’ก แˆˆแŠ•แˆตแˆ“ แ‹จแˆšแŒˆแ‰ฃ แแˆฌ แŠ แแˆฉ

๐Ÿ’ก Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.

Acts 3:19

๐Ÿ’ก แŠฅแŠ•แŒแ‹ฒแˆ… แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ณแ‰ฝแˆ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแ‹ฐแˆ˜แˆฐแˆต แŠ•แˆตแˆ“ แŒแ‰กแค แŠจแˆ˜แŠ•แŒˆแ‹ณแ‰ฝแˆแˆ แ‰ฐแˆ˜แˆˆแˆฑแค แŠจแŒŒแ‰ณแˆ แ‹˜แŠ•แ‹ต แ‹จแˆ˜แ‰ณแ‹ฐแˆต แ‹˜แˆ˜แŠ• แ‹ญแˆ˜แŒฃแˆ‹แ‰ฝแŠ‹แˆ

๐Ÿ’ก Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord

And all this bring rejoice and delight to God and all the angels in heaven

Luke 15:10

๐Ÿ’ก แŠฅแˆ‹แ‰ฝแŠ‹แˆˆแˆแค แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแ‹šแˆแˆ แŠ•แˆตแˆ“ แ‰ แˆšแŒˆแ‰ฃ แ‰ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ต แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ฐแŠ› แ‰ แŠฅแŒแ‹šแŠ แ‰ฅแˆ”แˆญ แˆ˜แˆ‹แŠฅแŠญแ‰ต แŠแ‰ต แ‹ฐแˆตแ‰ณ แ‹ญแˆ†แŠ“แˆแขโ€

๐Ÿ’ก In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.โ€


When a human being is born, he inherits sinful nature from Adam. Meaning every human being has internal spiritual want and need to rebel against God and to break his laws. That is inherited sin. Then because of inherited sin, we are punished the same way Adam was; by death. His judgement is also passed onto us even if we break no laws. That is imputed sin. Finally thereโ€™s personal sin. It is the everyday breaking of laws and rebelling against God.

So in conclusion we sin because we are sinners and we are sinners because we sin.

We are three times condemned due to inherited sin, imputed sin, and personal sin. The only just penalty for this sin is physical and spiritual death. So God used one of his principles to save us, imputation.

Imputed sin is the biggest reason for the biggest form of love God can show us. Thereโ€™s no greater love than to die for someone else and the reason Jesus did that for us is because of imputation; because our sins had to be imputed upon him and his righteousness onto us.

1 John 4:9-10

โค๏ธ แŠฅแŒแ‹šแŠ แ‰ฅแˆ”แˆญ แแ‰…แˆฉแŠ• แ‰ แˆ˜แŠซแŠจแˆ‹แ‰ฝแŠ• แ‹จแŒˆแˆˆแŒ แ‹ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแˆ… แŠแ‹แค แŠฅแŠ› แ‰ แŠฅแˆญแˆฑ แŠ แˆ›แŠซแ‹ญแŠแ‰ต แ‰ แˆ•แ‹ญแ‹ˆแ‰ต แŠฅแŠ•แŠ–แˆญ แ‹˜แŠ•แ‹ต แŠฅแŒแ‹šแŠ แ‰ฅแˆ”แˆญ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ตแ‹ซ แˆแŒแŠ• แ‹ˆแ‹ฐ แ‹“แˆˆแˆ แˆ‹แŠจแข แแ‰…แˆญ แ‹ญแˆ… แŠแ‹แค แŠฅแŠ› แŠฅแŒแ‹šแŠ แ‰ฅแˆ”แˆญแŠ• แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐ แ‹ˆแ‹ฐแ‹ตแŠแ‹ แˆณแ‹ญแˆ†แŠ• แŠฅแˆญแˆฑ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐ แ‹ˆแ‹ฐแ‹ฐแŠ•แŠ“ แˆตแˆˆ แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ณแ‰ฝแŠ• แˆ›แˆตแ‰ฐแˆตแˆจแ‹ซ แ‹ญแˆ†แŠ• แ‹˜แŠ•แ‹ต แˆแŒแŠ• แˆ˜แˆ‹แŠฉ แŠแ‹แข

โค๏ธ God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love; not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.

So Jesus died because all types and amounts of sins were imputed on Him and then he was risen so his righteousness and holiness can be imputed on Us.

Romans 4:25

๐Ÿ’ก แŠฅแˆญแˆฑ แˆตแˆˆ แŠ€แŒขแŠ แ‰ณแ‰ฝแŠ• แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแˆžแ‰ต แ‹แˆแŽ แ‰ฐแˆฐแŒ แค แŠฅแŠ›แŠ• แŒปแ‹ตแ‰… แŠ แ‹ตแˆญแŒŽ แˆˆแˆ›แ‰…แˆจแ‰ฅแˆ แŠจแˆžแ‰ต แ‰ฐแŠแˆฃแข

๐Ÿ’ก He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.

As all people are in Adam, so all believers are in Christ. Being in Christ means that His righteousness is now ours. Through Christโ€™s sacrificial death on the cross, the sin of humanity was imputed to Christ. Jesus took on Himself the penalty for our sin.

Colossians 2:14

๐Ÿ’ก แˆฒแ‰ƒแ‹ˆแˆ˜แŠ•แŠ“ แˆฒแŒปแˆจแˆจแŠ• แ‹จแŠแ‰ แˆจแ‹แŠ• แ‹จแ‹•แ‹ณ แŒฝแˆ•แˆแ‰ต แŠจแŠแˆ•แŒแŒ‹แ‰ฑ แ‰ แˆ˜แ‹ฐแˆแˆฐแˆตแฃ แ‰ แˆ˜แˆตแ‰€แˆ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‰ธแŠ•แŠญแˆฎ แŠจแˆ˜แŠ•แŒˆแ‹ต แŠ แˆตแ‹ˆแŒˆแ‹ฐแ‹แข

๐Ÿ’ก He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross.

In conclusion, When we believe in Jesus Christ, we are set free from inherited and imputed sin because He took our position and died instead of us. But when he rose from the dead, he imputed his holiness and righteousness on to us. And for the daily sins we commit we can ask for forgiveness and he will forgive us. And to not sin / to not miss the mark God put his Spirit in us to help us overcome personal flesh sins.

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Mon Sep 30 2024 ยฉ Dream Intelligence